Zumba for the Entire Community

Dharamsala: How many calories can you burn in an hour? Well 80+ people found out today!

Today was the first day of the free two-day intense zumba workshop hosted by Upside Down Fitness & Dance Studio in collaboration with the Department of Health, CTA held at the Gangkyi basketball court.

Zumba is a fitness program that combines international music and dance moves. As an aerobic exercise, Zumba alternates between fast and slow rhythms and includes resistance training. Aerobic exercise reduces health risks, keeps excess pounds at bay, strengthens your heart and boosts your mood. If you enjoy Zumba, you’re also more likely to do it regularly — and experience its benefits as an aerobic exercise. (Mayo Clinic)

Lead by Tenzin Migmar’s (Upside Down instructor) high energy and ecstatic music, the crowd couldn’t help but join in on the fitness. There were over 80 people participating in the workshop. From school children to working adults, everybody had smiles on, feet moving, and their hearts pumping until the sun went down!

The second day of the zumba workshop will be held on October 8th at 5:30pm on the Gangkyi basketball grounds.


Over 80 participants of all ages at the Zumba Workshop.
Tenzin Migmar leading the group in a warm-up stretch.