Dharamshala: In 2019, the Health Education Desk of the Department of Health adopted Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) to disseminate information on a Healthy Life Style with Exercise and Nutrition as its main focus. As with all the things, with the advent of the COVID-19 Pandemic, all the sections including the Health Education and Training Desk of the health department channeled their effort to curb the pandemic, and also due to the constraint of COVID-19 appropriate behaviors, much of the department’s programs were confined to online virtual sessions. Now in the mid of 2022, with a much better COVID-19 situation. On 28th May, World Nutrition Day, the department was able to observe the day by coordinating skits on Nutrition as a Theme performed by the respective students of fourteen different Tibetan schools located at various locations in India. Also, a video of these skits was also made which is either made available on the youtube channel of HealthCTA.

UPPER TCV: To commemorate the day, the school Environment and Health Committee mentored a group of students in a power-packed Tibetan skit titled “Jangsem, who does not know healthy eating habits” at the seniors’ morning assembly. The School Director Mr. Tsultrim Dorjee, Mrs. Nawang Lhamo, The principal, and all the foster parents watched the skit. The same skit has been performed for the junior section staff and students. About 340 and 400 students watched the skit. The skit aimed to raise awareness about healthy food among students and to make them conscious of what they eat.
The skit was all about the importance of developing healthy eating habits for all ages. The main character is a boy named Jangsem whose health deteriorated due to unhealthy eating habits developed in his late teens. The skit very vividly demonstrated the negative effect of eating unhealthy food and showed everyone not to focus only on the taste of food but to consider its nutritional value. 21 enthusiastic students between the age group of 13 to 16 volunteered to take part in this skit.

Lower TCV: There the School Nurse Minlha and Teacher Phuntsok Dolker selected four girls and four boys to perform the skit. On the nutrition day, the students performed in the morning assembly in front of all the students and staff.

TCV Chauntara: The school has observed “Health Day” on 7th April 2022 with a major focus on “Diet and Nutrition for healthy growth” where a similar topic was covered. On 28th May 2022, to observe the World Nutrition Day, the school convened the day with a short skit for a more effective understanding of the importance of Nutrition, a Balance Diet and healthy Eating Plate for overall growth and functioning.
Importance of “Healthy Eating” and consequences of indulging in unhealthy eating through Skit Performance followed by series of talk by the students of School adolescent cum Health & Wellness club, Head School Nurse Mrs.Sonam Sangmo la and Resource person Nicola who is a registered nurse from Australia and is currently serving Dzongsar Monastery, Chauntra.

STS Dholanji: Similarly, ten students performed skit to a total strength of 293 students .

STS Kalimpong: The school prepared a short skit under the guidance of Music and Dance Teachers Ms Nyima Dolma, Mr Tenzin Dorjee and School nurse Ms Subekcha Khawas to create awareness of proper diet and nutrition. It was performed during the morning assembly program to an audience of 245 students of 120 boys and 125 girls.

Mewoen Tsuglag Peteon School: After a discussion among the Health Committee members of the school, nurse Dickyi and nurse Tsetan collaborated with Tibetan Language Teacher Lobsang Tsering la and guided 6 girl students and 5 male students to perform a skit. They have made a very creative video of a skit and on 28th it was screened to the entire school. Around 539 people have watched the skit including the staff.

Tibetan Homes Rajpur: School counselor began the program with an introduction about the “World Nutrition Day”, why nutrition is important, why our body must get adequate energy and balance diet, how the nutrition’s plays crucial role in our healthy lifestyle. Followed by the presentation of skit by a class VII Girls. Reflection session was carried out after the skit to check what the students has learnt from the skit. Distribution of appreciation amount and word of thanks by Mrs. Sonam Choekyi. The strength of people who watched the skit is 403. 167 Boys, 207 Girls and 29 Teachers.

STS Shimla: At STS Shimla, a skit on the “importance of healthy eating and avoiding junk foods” was performed by the students of various classes of STS Shimla. The number of students that participated in the skit was 7 and two school staff members, a Science teacher and a School nurse helped in the coordination and directing of the students for a successful program. The skit emphasized on the habit of eating healthy food and also a balanced diet. The preparation commenced in early May and the students were able to perform beyond their expectations. It was performed in front of 217 girls and 111 boys.

TCV Bylakuppe: Similarly, ten students performed a skit to a total strength of 430 students with 206 boys and 224 girls. They focused on a well-balanced diet as well as regular exercise as their key subjects. Also they have started with a beautiful quote “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have gone”. Tibetan Homes School Mussorie: On 28th May – World Nutrition Day, during morning assembly 10 students of class 12 organized a program to create awareness of a healthy diet and the importance of nutritious food through a skit for students of above class 6 (boys – 239 girls – 269) and teachers. The event was coordinated by Mr. Tenzin Nuden (PGT physics) and Mr. Ngayou (PGT biology).

TCV Ladakh: The skit preparation was led by the head nurse Kalsang Wangmo and School’s counselor Kalsang Dawa. It was performed to a total of 618 students comprising of 328 girls and 290 boys. All the students belongs to class 6 to 10.
Similarly, skit was performed in STS Darjeeling, TCV Selakui and STS MUssoorie.