WASH Awareness program

Dharamsala : On July 10, 2024, the Department of Health arranged an online WASH awareness programme for all members of the Central and South Zone WASH committees. Ms. Kelsang Choedon zone staff of the department, led the online session. Mr Tenzin Thakpo from reimagining Doeguling emphasised on the significance of water, the necessity of preserving water supplies, and multiple ways of conserving it (including rainwater collection). The advantages and drawbacks of borewells were also discussed in this session, and the significance of recharge pit was highlighted. Dr. Tsering Sonam la of TPHC Mainpat  gave awareness on WASH from health perspective, emphasising the value of clean water, Links between contaminated water and water-borne illnesses, and the effects it has on general health.Tibetan settlements at south and central India will begin a cleanliness drive of water storage and tanks followed by water quality testing under the WASH program funded by PRM.