The visit to Doon valley by Dr. Lobsang Tsering, Head of Public Health Division was to discuss and plan with all the staff from the region, including Sirmour region of Himachal Pradesh from 28th October to 3rd November 2016, on the activities to be conducted under the Global Fund TB control project and if possible to meet the State TB Officer, Government of Uttrakhand.
Under the Global Fund project, DoH will be implementing TB awareness program and TB screening of the residents of schools and the monasteries. During the earlier visit in July 2016, we had briefed the school and the monastery authorities on the activities to be conducted under the Global Fund project and sought their support and participation.
DAY 1: 1st November 2016
The meeting was held with the hospital doctor, TB in charge, one nurse (newly appointed) and the executive secretary. We discussed the Global Fund quarterly report and the need for TB suspect register which was still not filled-in. We also discussed the new TB indicators and how we are going to get the relevant information to calculate the indicators. I sought feedback on the draft algorithm and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Active Case Finding (ACF/Screening) for schools and monasteries, Contact Tracing.
DAY 2: 2nd November 2016
We travelled to Sakya Center and Sakya College in the morning and discussed with the Director and Abbot/Khenpo of Sakya Center and the Sakya College regarding the Active Case Finding (ACF) at the monasteries. We also discussed the appropriate time of the ACF/Screening for the monks from these two institutes. They have agreed to extend their full cooperation in the said activity.
In the afternoon we went to the Uttrakhand Office to meet the doctor who had been transferred as State HIV officer and also at the same time use this time to meet the Sate TB Officer (STO) of Uttrakhand. Unfortunately, the TB officer was in a meeting and we could not meet her.
DAY 3: 3rd November 2016
The last day was a workshop for the health staff (DOH-staff, School and monastery staff) regarding the activities we will be carrying out next year. Algorithm and SOP on Active Case Finding (ACF) in school and monasteries and their record and reporting were discussed in detail. Also, we discussed how to carry out Contract Tracing. I was happy to find out that all the staffs who were invited participated in the workshop. We had a very fruitful outcome. I also had feedback on the drafts SOPs on ACF for school/monastery and on Contact Tracing.