Dharamshala: The Department of Health, CTA just concluded a two-day training on pharmacy inventory management for pharmacists of the Department of Health CTA on 23 March. The training was organized by the Optimal Service Model (OSM) section of the Department of Health CTA.
The overall purpose of this training is to enhance the knowledge of DOH pharmacists on inventory management techniques in order to improve hospital service and pharmacy operational efficiency.
Chief Guest Health Secretary Palden Dhondup presided over the inaugural ceremony. He observed the significance of such training sessions Tibetan for pharmacists and urged the pharmacists to focus on strengthening the pharmacist-patient relationship.
OSM program coordinator Tsering briefed participants on the objectives of the training and discussed the recently launched TVHA Essential medicine list-2020.
On the second day, Resource person Mr Ram Sahu delivered a presentation on ABC Analysis, Storage/distribution of medicines, calculating drug requirement by health problems, quantification methods, drug management cycle and others. DOHe Pharmacist Karma Gyurmey spoke on the generic drugs and their general misconceptions.
11 DOHe Pharmacists from Mundgod DTR hospital, Phende hospital, Kollegal DVT hospital, Tsojhe hospital, Menlha hospital, Mainpath TPHC, Bandara TPHC, Dekiling TPHC, Bir TPHC, Ladakh TPHC and Delhi TPHC participated in the virtual program.
The training is funded by USAID under TSRR Project.