The Department of Health organised a two-day Substance Abuse workshop and Review meeting from 9 – 10 October at the Tibetan Reception Center, Dharamshala. The meeting was attended by 19 participants from 17 different schools including school administrators, teachers and staff Nurses.
The workshop was formally inaugurated by Health Kalon Dr. Tsering Wangchuk and Dr. Tseten Dorje Sadhutsang, chief medical officer of Tibetan Delek Hospital.
Health Kalon emphasised the importance of conducting regular awareness programs at the school level to prevent Substance Abuse among Tibetan Youths. Dr Tseten Dorje released the Tibetan version of Rewa Health Booklet at the opening ceremony
During the two day meeting, the department invited recovered drug abuse victims from Shedey Khangsar Rehab center and Kunphen, Dharamsala to share their life experiences and struggle during their addiction period. Other resource persons include Mr. Dawa Tsering from Kunphen center, Geshe Lhakdor from the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, and mentor Nikhil Dwarka from Shedey Khangsar. They spoke on the importance of a holistic approach towards prevention of substance abuse, root causes of addiction and positive child development in prevention of substance abuse.
The participants discussed the agenda laid during the previous meeting with regard to reporting on substance abuse cases, activities and program organised in schools. They also discussed future activities for prevention of substance abuse cases in schools.
The program is funded by PRM.