Dharamsala:As the Indian Government unlocks in a phase-wise manner from June with the ease of movement, the country sees the daily increase of COVID-19 cases. Tibetan settlements across India, Nepal, and Bhutan takes a series of preventive measures in the battle against COVID-19. Amongst them, Miao Tibetan settlement located in Northeast has voluntarily initiated measures to fight the spread of novel coronavirus after the Government of India has sanctioned the relaxation of movement.
COVID -19 Taskforce chairman cum settlement officer, Mr Tenzin Chokten reported: “As the lockdown was eased with the increase in movement, Miao settlement has barricaded all the ten entry and exit points except for the two main entry point by setting up a temporary gate with security guarding the points, checking and sending all returnees directly to quarantine facility to keep the dreaded coronavirus infection at bay.”
With a large influx of returnees and small space for the quarantine facility, the Taskforce has set up plastic partitions within the community halls. A total of 13 Quarantine centers have been set up, with an arrangement of separate centers for the red zone returnees. The District Government, in addition, extended its services through Miao Community Health Centre Medical Officer (CHCMO) in collecting swab samples to detect COVID-19 in the Tibetans quarantine centers.
“As the frontline worker of Indian Government at Assam border, police guarding day and night to monitor the returnees, Miao Health Task Force committee provided free lunch to all the front lines to show support for everything that they are doing to slow the spread of the virus. On behalf of Miao community, representative of settlement office along with health executive secretary and cooperative society offered Tibetan traditional scarf to District commissioner, Doctor, and the nodal person to show their gratitude and appreciation towards the support extended to Tibetan community,” said Mr. Tenzin Lhawang Executive Secretary of Miao Hospital.
In order to minimize contacts, he further reported that transfer from community quarantine to home quarantine is scheduled during the night. The task force is also supervising and arranging the basic necessities such as dry ration as well as setting up of recommended boundaries is done so that strict home quarantine protocols are followed.
Many Vegetable, meat sellers, and vendors from other villages are banned, permitting few sellers who mandatorily follow strict and proper sanitization before entering the settlement.
Waste management at quarantine facilities is also properly taken care of by every individual taking responsibility for their own waste while the task force members dispose of all the waste.
As a token of appreciation, various people from the community as well as those on completing quarantine have offered donations and word of thanks witnessing the tireless effort of Health task force members.