Dharamshala: At the weekly central task force briefing on Covid-19, sMenpa Tsering Tsamchoe updated the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and the vaccination status of the Tibetan community in India and Nepal.
As per the report of the committee, around 1000 Tibetans in India were tested for covid this week out of which 46 of them were tested positive. The oldest patient is 92 and the youngest is 3. The number of death reported this week is 2. Thus far, the total number of cases reported in the Tibetan community across India and Nepal stands at 6815. The recovered number stand at 6607, the death count stands at 157, and 51 are reportedly active cases.
Since the onset of covid last year, the Department of Health in collaboration with Men-Tsee-Khang has so far distributed 56998 units of sorig immune boosters to the eligible Tibetans. In addition, Men-Tsee-Khang and its branches have also provided Sowa Rigpa treatment to around 7095 covid patients at free of cost.
As per the data collected for vaccines status in India and Nepal, a total of 45313 Tibetans in India are said to be completely vaccinated while 5064 have received only the first dose. In Nepal, 6980 Tibetans are completely vaccinated while 48 are partially vaccinated.
Just when India’s covid situation seems to be under well control, reports of dengue outbreak in the country is on the surge with major cities like Rajasthan and Delhi recording a high number of cases and deaths.
Advising extreme precautions, Dr Tsundue outlined some precaution measures against dengue that he specifically urged the parents and teachers to teach the children. Some of the measures pointed out were preventing breeding grounds for mosquitoes by removing any stagnant water in areas, use of insects repellent, wearing full-sleeve garments, and limiting outdoor exposure during evening etc. are some of the early safeguard measures against dengue.
The most common symptoms of dengue include fever, joint and body ache, and in some cases rashes. Incase any individual experiences any of these symptoms, Dr Tsundue advised getting the dengue blood tests done at the earliest.
Now with most of the schools gradually reopening in the country, Dr Tsundue urged the teachers to include awareness on dengue and covid in the curriculum and meanwhile to ensure necessary safety measures are strictly adopted at schools.
In what comes as good news for travellers, Dr Tsundue reported the recently announced India’s new rule for overseas travellers according to which, 96 countries have agreed to mutually accept the vaccine certificates of India.
Some of the countries that have recognised India’s covid vaccines are the U.S, U.K, France, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, and Spain etc.
According to a statement of Health Minister Mandaviya, he said India’s efforts are underway to reach mutual acceptance of vaccines with the rest of the world.
Source: Original post in Tibet.net