Dharamshala: With the nationwide COVID-19 threat on the rise, the Hunsur Rabyaling Emergency health task force committee lead by Mr Thupten Tsering, Settlement officer will begin on-spot swab sample collection at their community quarantine centre.
“The move was taken in consideration to mitigate the possible risks of disease transmission as well as to reduce the travel time taken for every individual to reach the district hospital for COVID Test,” said, Mr Sonam Yougyal, Executive secretary of Phende Hospital.
Three frontline staff Rinzin Choedon, Tenzin Tsering, Tsering Kyi of Phende hospital have volunteered to perform the sample collection task at the community quarantine centre, which was highly appreciated by the Sikyong during COVID-19 briefing by CTA Task Force on Tuesday.
Mr Yougyal further reported that since the procedure of sample collection requires training, the initial orientation to the job has been provided by the local district COVID team at the Tibetan community quarantine centre, the final training will be conducted at the local district COVID centre.
The sample collection booth has been locally made and kept ready while other essential equipment is arranged.
Health Kalon while appreciating the great initiative of Hunsur health taskforce said if the settlements spot collection model succeeds, the same application of this model will be considered to the other quarantine centres which are applicable.
The initiative has been rolled out with support from Dr.Keerthikumar, Taluk Health Officer, and Dr Rajesh B, team Primary Health Center. we extend our heartfelt gratitude and sincere thank for their wholehearted support to this initiative.
As confirmed by the Settlement Officer, there are a total of 11 Tibetan volunteers at the Rabgyaling quarantine centre with 3 staff performing regular sanitization of the facility.