Dharamshala: The Department of Health, CTA with funding from USAID launched this training sessions for effective management of biomedical waste in DoHe branch hospitals and health centers. In phase one, six hospitals were selected for giving their doctors and staff proper training in effective management of the biomedical waste.
A Total of 32 hospital staff participated in this training session which was led by the local medical officers. The hospital staff were familiarized with biomedical waste management guidelines, BMW committee, categories of biomedical waste bins, biomedical waste management rules (BMW Act) 2018, important precautions, soak pits and its importance, chemical waste treatment, handling blood spills and transportation of biomedical wastes. Training manual on BMW developed by the health department were distributed to the participants during the training.
DoHe OSM Program Coordinator Mr. Tsering attended the first training session at Bir Tibetan Primary Health Center on 24th December 2019. As part of the training, hospitals also procured waste bins and colored bags with the support of USAID under TSRR Project. The program concluded with a grand lunch and word of thanks to the resource persons by the executive secretary of the hospital facility. This training program is funded by the USAID.