The Department of Health, CTA is currently implementing a project titled “Hepatitis B and other STDs prevention project” among the Tibetan school children aged 6 and above in India. The project is administrated by SARD, Department of Finance and it funded by Leis Amis du Tibet, Luxembourg.
The main aim of this project is to prevent and control Hepatitis B through screening, vaccination and preliminary treatment of Hepatitis B among the school children. Currently the project is being implemented in 11 Tibetan schools which include STS Chauntra, STS Dekyiling, STS Poanta, STS Puruwala, Ngoenga School, CST Shimla, CST Darjeeling, CST Mungod, CTS Mussoorie, CST Dalhousie and CST Kalimpong. A total of about 1191 students have been screened so far. The positive cases will be provided additional testing support and preliminary treatment, and all the negative cases who have not previously received vaccination will be vaccinated.
In addition, the school children are being provided health awareness talks on Hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases as part of this project.