Dharamshala: In order to assess the impact of the Wuhan-originated COVID-19 pandemic in Tibetan settlements, the Department of Health organized a virtual meeting of DoHe Kalon with the Chief Representative, CTA, South Zone, Chophel Thupten, and eight Settlement Officers of Mundgod, Lugsam and Delar, Bylakuppe, Kollegal, Hunsur, Odisha, Mainpat and Bhandara on Sunday. The meeting was also joined by Health Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and concerned DoHe Officials.
The chief representative and the settlement officers briefed on the current health status in their respective settlements and COVID-19 precautionary measures. Matter of concerns such as quarantine and testing facilities, distribution of sanitisers and masks; provision of immunity-boosting Tibetan medicine for the aged, as well as for those under quarantine centres and Tibetan nurses and other frontline workers who are leading the fight against this pandemic was also discussed.
According to the Settlement Officers, the provision of quarantine facilities at the settlement and the distribution of sanitizers, masks and SORIG immunity booster has proven to be highly beneficial and widely appreciated by the people. The settlement officers thanked the CTA and Dept of Health for their continued effort and guidance In these unprecedented times of COVID-19.
Health Kalon commended their dedicated service to the community in the midst of the crisis and assured continued support and service from CTA.
Similar meeting was also held on 12 August with Tibetan settlement officers (TSO) from North East India which includes Tuting, Miao, Tezu, TengangBomla, Shillong, Gangtok, Ravangla, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and Sonada.
Each TSO briefed an update about the precautionary measures and notified the Kalon about few challenges faced at their respective settlements in carrying out some of these measures. The quarantine center dealing staff, Mr. Nyima Gyaltsen made few clarifications regarding documents and also addressed a few additional guidance on expenses for quarantine facilities.
Health Kalon concluded his address with appreciation to all the dedicated nurses, healthcare workers, and all those involved in fighting the pandemic.