Department of Health, CTA has organized 8 days workshop on public health programs related to outreach and new DOH health information system (DoH-HIS). The workshop began from 9th April at Sed-Gyued Institute of Buddhist studies at Salugara, West Bengal and was attended by 19 health workers. The 6 participants were from health centres of northeast India, 2 from Mainpat Primary Health Centre and 11 from health centres of Nepal. The workshops were funded by USAID.
As scheduled the workshop began on 9th April with four days’ refresher training on Comprehensive Community Outreach and Coordinated Care (CCOCC) followed by two days training on health data entry using android based DHIS2 software and two days’ refresher training on TB programme management for nurse and CHWs.

Resource person for CCOCC and TB Program management workshop is Dr.Lobsang Tsering, Head of Public Health Division, Department of health C.T.A, whereas a team of three personnel headed by Ms. Rashi Banta from HISP-India took the session on health data entry for desktop and tablet users (DoH DHIS2 Software).
The workshop was conducted with the objective of expanding the existing DoH programs through house-house outreach visits resulting in comprehensive health service coverage of the community, early detection of diseases, and strengthening of health information system & preventive health aspect through proactive social behaviour change communication.