Dharamshala: The Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration, with support from the United States Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM, US) has started a free Hepatitis B and C screening and Vaccination campaign at Tenzingang Tibetan settlement by a team from PHC Miao led by Executive Secretary.
Department of Health, CTA is currently in phase IV of the screening and vaccination campaign including Hepatitis awareness talks to the public. Tibetan settlements covered in Phase IV are Mandi, Mundgod, Bhandara, Kullu and Delhi. Further tests and investigations will be carried out for the positive patients to understand the severity of the infections and likewise assist them with the medication.
Three complete doses of vaccination will be provided to those whose results are negative after the screening. The free screening and vaccination campaign at Tenzingang Settlement starts on 8 May and will continue till 11 May 2023
Thus far, the Department of Health has tested a total of 27060 populations.