An awareness campaign on Hepatitis B vaccination was launched on World Hepatitis Day

image descriptionHepatitis B is a potentially life threatening liver infection that is caused by the hepatitis B virus.  It is easy to protect yourself and your loved ones from Hepatitis B virus; it is just three vaccines away. The vaccine has an excellent record of safety and effectiveness. According to World Health Organization (WHO), since 1982, over one billion doses of hepatitis B vaccine have been used worldwide. The Hepatitis B vaccine protects against hepatitis B infection that may lead to:

  • Permanent liver damage
  • Liver cancer due to hepatitis B infection

Therefore, To mark World Hepatitis Day on July 28th, The Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration launched an educational campaign on the importance of Hepatitis B vaccination in and around Dharamsala. The main objective of this campaign is to create awareness about the immense importance of getting Hepatitis B vaccines among the general public.

As part of this educational campaign, Health Department released a series of posters and a video clip to convey the main message that “three complete doses of hepatitis B vaccine can save you and your loved ones from getting hepatitis B”. The posters of young students and monks, who have already received all three vaccinations, were designed to encourage their peers and general public to get vaccinated against Hepatitis B. The Department of Health staff distributed these posters and information sheets throughout the Dharamsala region by hand delivering them to schools, monasteries, and nunneries.

Department staffs met with the monastic heads and school administrators, so that information regarding Hepatitis B could be clarified to the students, monks, and nuns during rountine gatherings through the administration.  A short informational video has also been created to emphasize the importance of completing three vaccination doses of Hepatitis B.  The video depicts students and monks talking about the importance of getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B and the fact that getting vaccinated not only protects you but further protects your loved ones as well from Hepatitis B and its complications like liver cancer, permanent liver damage and liver cirrhosis.   A copy of the informational video is being distributed via email to each organization that was visited during the informational campaign.  The video can be watched in youtube at this link(

The Department of Health distributed posters and informational material to the CTA Offices, Mentsekhang, Delek Hospital, NGOs, Schools, Monasteries, private institutions and all the public places with bulletin boards

The Department of Health, CTA hopes that by completing this awareness campaign, we will be able to educate the general population about the benefits of Hepatitis B vaccination which will ultimately lead to increased prevention and control of Hepatitis B in the Tibetan community. The posters will be subsequently distributed in all major Tibetan health centers and schools throughout India and the link of the video has already been sent to the respective health centers.