Dharamsala: A group from the Woeser Association in Italy, led by Dr Raffaella, visited the Department of Health on January 3. They had meetings with the secretary, Mr Dawa Tsultrim, project coordinator, Mr Tsering, and Ms Tenzin Chondhen, the Odisha dealing staff.
The visit’s goal was to talk about the Woeser Association’s partial funding of the planned Menlha hospital redevelopment project. Renovations are required because of numerous indications of age-related deterioration, including various ceiling fissures, warped low-quality timber doors from moisture, and worn-off and discolored institutional paintwork. The donors’ fund will help ease the financial load and contribute to the success of this renovation. The secretaries of the department of health and home, Mr. Palden Dhondup, as well as representatives from the health department, attended a dinner that the department threw for its members that evening.
The Woeser Association and all other donors are much appreciated by the Department of Health for their contributions to the strengthening of the Tibetan community.