Dharamshala: In order to assess the needs of the Tibetan Community in exile and to pre-plan the budget of the next three years, Sikyong Penpa Tsering has instructed the project officers of the Departments of CTA to physically visit the settlements.
Under that vision, Health Department’s Under Secretary Mrs. Tenzin Dolkar, and Section Officer Mrs. Tashi Yangzom visited Shimla and Dolanji Tibetan Settlement from May 10-12, 2022 to understand the health care needs of the respective communities and also to monitor the ongoing projects of the department. The settlement officers, Chair of the Local Tibetan Assembly, and leader of camps were met to discuss and prepare health projects for the upcoming three years. All the attendees were also introduced to the various projects and programs of the department.
The meeting was followed by site visits to the proposed projects and interaction with the vulnerable population of the respective communities.