Staff from the Department of Health’s integration and telemedicine programs visited Odhisha, Mainpat, and Bhandara, three locations in the Central Zone. The visit took place from May 2 to May 16, 2023.
Ms. Tsering Tsamchoe, TPHC executive secretaries, nurses, and doctors from both sorig and allopathic fields convened to talk about the activities and programs related to the Integration of sorig and allopathy program. In each of these settlements, it led to the creation of an integration subcommittee. This will work towards enhancing community health and to promote disease prevention and awareness. The patients will be given a recommendation for a sorig or allopathic doctor, depending on what is best for them.
Ms. Pema Tsering visited the clinic in the Bhandhara settlement to assess the effectiveness of telemedicine services in relation to the HIS programme. She also met with patients who had been using the services to hear their thoughts and get recommendations on how to improve the offerings. One of the most crucial components of assessing the health of a population or community is monitoring health information systems, which was done in all four settlements. The visit’s main goals included assessing the accuracy of the data entered into the DHIS2 system and identifying significant health gaps, developing interventions.